70 Real Life Funny Doctor Names
Here are 70 funny real life doctor names I came across on RateMD.com's database a dog's age ago:
Dr. A. Butt - gastroenterologist.
Dr. A. Cockburn - urologist.
Dr. A. Kill - internist.
Dr. A. Strange - psychologist.
Dr. A. Paine - plastic surgeon.
Dr. B. Beaver - gynecologist.
Dr. B. Savage - surgeon.
Dr. B. Sick - internist.
Dr. B. Weiner - nephrologist.
Dr. B. Zipper - psychologist.
Dr. C. Bone - orthopedic surgeon.
Dr. C. Bratt - pediatrician.
Dr. C. Doolittle - oncologist.
Dr. C. Kwak - dermatologist.
Dr. C. Ow - radiologist.
Dr. C. Ram - chiropractor.
Dr. D. Coffin - emergency medicine.
Dr. D. Blades - neurosurgeon.
Dr. D. Blood - cardiologist.
Dr. D. Gore - surgeon.
Dr. D.Hirt - anesthesiologist.
Dr. D. Needle - surgeon.
Dr. D. Okay - family doctor.
Dr. D. Tickles - pediatrician.
Dr. E. Anger - family doctor.
Dr. E. Bozzo - psychologist.
Dr. E. Seaman - urologist.
Dr. F. Loo - gastroenterologist.
Dr. G. Hurt - neurosurgeon.
Dr. G. Mangle - internist.
Dr. G. Risk - emergency medicine.
Dr. H. Rambo - oral surgeon.
Dr. H. Hazard - endocrinologist.
Dr. J. Butcher - surgeon.
Dr. J. Croak - obstetrics & gynecology.
Dr. J. Die - pediatrician.
Dr. J. Dreading - dentist.
Dr. J. Hooker - pediatrician.
Dr. J. Klutz - family doctor.
Dr. J. Looney - psychiatrist.
Dr. J. Peek - gynecologist.
Dr. J. Rash - dermatologist.
Dr. K. Dick - psychologist.
Dr. K. Harm - family doctor.
Dr. K. Funk - surgeon.
Dr. L. Ono - psychologist.
Dr. L. Riddles - surgeon.
Dr. M. Achey - internist.
Dr. M. Bonebrake - surgeon.
Dr. M. Dick - obstetrics & gynecology.
Dr. M. Hogg - surgeon.
Dr. M. Poop - family doctor.
Dr. M. Sly - pediatrician.
Dr. N. Love - psychiatrist.
Dr. O. Lie - neurologist.
Dr. P. Slaughter - surgeon.
Dr. P. Yellin - psychologist.
Dr. R. Grunt - gastroenterologist.
Dr. R. Odor - psychologist.
Dr. R. Plack - cardiologist.
Dr. R. Pulse - anesthetist.
Dr. R. Wong - family doctor.
Dr. S. Fears - psychiatrist.
Dr. S. Yell - gynecologist.
Dr. T. Chopp - orthopedic surgeon.
Dr. T. Grim - family doctor.
Dr. T. Hackman - ENT.
Dr. V. Mangler - family doctor.
Dr. W. Rush - family doctor.
Dr. W. Warning - family doctor.
If first impressions really count I wonder how some of these doctors fare. Dr. Kill must make for some awkward introductions and polite conversation behind their back. And how far would your trust meter deflect for Drs. Bozzo, Kwak, Klutz, or Warning? Would you hesitate to go under a knife wielded by Dr. Slaughter? Oh have a pap test with Dr. Yell? While some of these doctors may have trouble making house payments with names that make patients think twice, others may have an unfair advantage through toilet humor. If Dr.Cockburn was a urologist in my area he'd have all of my urological referrals... I mean how could I forget his name, honestly?
I feel a special kinship to the above doctors with funny surnames having had to repeat my own surname on most phone purchases over my life. The first humorous doctor name I remember stumbling across was as an intern. I was walked across from my training hospital to an administration building when I came across a doctor's door shingle that made me burst out laughing. It was the office of "Dr.Hazard". I imagined the distress this fellow must have felt as an intern like myself being paged overhead at our hospital: "Calling Dr.Hazard, please report to the OR" or the angst of his professional introductions "Hello, I'm Dr.HAZARD" (you can trust me, wink, wink). Was this the reason this physician chose to settle into administration?
I have made peace with my own tongue twisting surname. People may choke on it, but better that than to croak on it - apology Dr.Croak :)